From Lori and Andreea

Center Circle offers women an opportunity to experience a variety of ways to interact with others and ourselves; to get to know ourselves better and continually transform to the newest version of ourselves. Every new day brings an opportunity to change. This circle is a place for you to feel safe to be and discover who you are.

Bring whatever is going on for you or leave it at the doorstep, either way. Practice whatever you want to learn in a safe environment until it feels like a part of you and emerges into every part of your life. Bring the questions you have about anything. Talk about what's important for you right now and what you've always dreamed of doing. Open to new experiences, and in the meantime perhaps discover a new aspect of your self. Relate to your life in fresh and unpredictable ways. Make new friends, create bonds, find common ground. Practice co-creating community. Have a place to go to continue to become the best YOU, you can be.

Get time away from all those other things in life. Think of it as your sacred space. "Your" time. Learn that whatever feels right IS right. Simply feel yourself loving and being loved in your authenticity.

Lori and Andreea

Friday, December 30, 2011

Who We Are and What We're Looking For...

Center Circle 2011 ~ Eleven Members responded to an open poll on the blog

Tallied YES THIS IS TRUE FOR ME responses to each statement:

I want to be part of a diverse spiritual social group where we’re all conscious, respectful, and open-minded.  10    90%
I want to have a place where I can go to heal, to transform, and to remain connected with my journey (path/purpose).  10    90%
I want to take my power back.  9    81%
I have the power to change my life, now I want to change the world.  Who’s with me?  4    36%
I want to be aware of my thoughts, which create my beliefs, which in turn create my experience.  4    36%
I want to be a better communicator.  6    51%
I want to role model better communication for those I am around.  6    51%
I want to find a group of people who will support my pursuit of my dreams and goals.  6    51%
I am new in this community and want to connect with others like me.  2    18%
I can do only so much by myself.  I’m ready to be part of a collaborative group.  4    36%
I want to harness the power of my feelings and emotions, not be ruled by them.  7    63%
I have no one in my life that understands or is okay with me processing this particular experience.  1    9%
I haven’t talked to myself in a while.  I don’t even remember how.  0    0%
I want to experience my life anew.  8     72%

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life is a Dance

Whenever you're stuck and unsure of what to do or what to say or which direction to go or which priority to start with, remember that life is a dance. Let it flow. Walk away from where you're stuck, put on a song that moves you, and just tune in to your body. The wisdom there will inform you and inspire you. Trust it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Peace Trust Faith Freedom Love

image: copyright 2011 Lori Steed Sortino

"May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilitie s that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us."
- St. Theresa Prayer

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Women and Their Gift to the World as Healers

Whether you consider yourself a healer or not, if you come to our circle, you probably are. You may be healing yourself. You may be studying the levels or avenues of healing. You may be exploring the concept of healing. You may be in an occupation where you assist others with healing. Whatever your connection is with healing, embrace it and connect with it. Together we can heal what is most present and balance and return to center.

If someone has helped you in your journey in the healing realm, becoming whole, centered, and balanced, or has helped you become a more effective healer, tell them so.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Free Hugs

Taking someone out of their routine and reminding them how valuable they are requires intention, inspiration, focus, timing, courage to be vulnerable, and ACTION!

Do you wish others would do this for you?

Are you willing to do this for others?

Do you know what you'll receive in return?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Resolutions and Targets

It’s that time of year.  As one year draws to a close and we approach a new year, the topic of resolutions starts to creep into the conversations.  No surprise, then, that my friend Cybil Smith hosted a tele-conference call titled 12 Targets for 2012* last night.  As I listened, I realized this was very similar to the activity we have planned for our January 8 Circle meeting. 

In preparation, what we’re focusing on this week and at this Sunday’s circle, are identifying very strongly with the things that we are aligned with and the experiences we like to have and want to continue.  In that feeling of appreciation, we more easily let go of the choices we could make that are either
a)      not as super fabulous, or
b)      do not serve us

These next couple of days, continue with your daily recalling of what you love about Center Circle and the women who show up, and start to imagine the new women who are going to show up this next year.  What qualities do they have?  How do they show up?  What do they add to the circle?  How do they enrich your experience at Center Circle?

If you can imagine it, you can create it.

the replay of Cybil’s call is available at (661) 673-8609
Enter Access Code - 243191#, then press 1# to hear this recording.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shine From Within

At Center Circle, we explore who we are and how we show up.  Our common ground is our intense commitment to looking at ourselves and connecting to the joy in releasing the beauty of who we are.  The process of the discovery is explored in this safe circle.  We forgive ourselves for the times we are so hard on ourselves.  We let go of the hold on old patterns of thought that have been repeated for generations in order to embrace new ideas that allow for better relationships.  We look at our communication, which includes our self talk, in search of authentic expression.  We wish to represent truth.  We move to stay up with each new thought in each new day.  We share the journey together.  We love.  We evolve.  We shine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today’s Assignment in Co-Creating

This Sunday’s meeting will truly be a co-created gift.

Today and each day between now and Sunday evening, set up and follow the next few steps and practice or repeat them each day, as often as you like.

1.  Choose a place or places in a comfortable space you will revisit frequently.
               Ideas:  bathroom, mirror, kitchen, refrigerator, next to computer monitor, car dashboard, your personal alter, your purse, etc.
2.  Get something to write on that suits that place(s) you’ve chosen.
               Ideas:  sticky notes, magnets, 3x5 cards, notebook, paper and tape, glitter pens, sharpie markers, lipstick (ha ha)
3.  With those items (your tools) in place, each time you visit that space, consider Center Circle and the women you’ve come to know there.  Write down the name of one of the women or guests (even yourself) and something you witnessed/experienced that touched you.  Write down the feeling you had and the resulting gift you received.  Summary:  Name, experience, feeling, gift.
               Example:  Andreea, shared a saying on a paper, inspired, deeper personal insight
4.  Repeat as often as possible with the underlying spirit of appreciation and gratitude and the desire to create more experiences like these.
Image Source:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday Gift Exchange

To Our Dear Circle Women;

This week, leading up to our final meeting for 2011, we will have a post each day for you to read, watch and resonate with.  The final post on Sunday morning will inspire you with what to bring Sunday evening to the Circle.  RSVP to Lori or Andreea:

Lori (at) loristeed (dot) com

realignandshine (at) gmail (dot) com

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Authenticity ~ What is it?

How do you know who the real you is?  She makes you strong.  She is your power.  She is the one who stands tall when you have a thought about what is right and true.  She is the one deep inside you who sometimes flies out in an instant and your eyes get big as you realize you're not sure where that came from, but it felt GOOD!  She is the one who will wait within while you dance with all of the others in search of her, and who will delight in your discovery of love for who and what and how you are.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Beautiful Dance of Life

A friend shared this video with me today. It is so worth ten minutes of my day to reconnect with the gratitude I have with all that supports me and brings me joy in this life.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mykal Aubry ~ Guest Facilitator this Sunday

Visionary artist Mykal Aubry’s work has been published and collected by many. He was most recently featured in 11:11 magazine September/October 2011 issue. One of his paintings is on the cover and an interview, article, and more of his paintings are featured in the issue. His Seven Chakras portrait series is currently on exhibit at Agape Spiritual Center in Culver City, and he recently finished a commissioned sculpture design for the Mozaic Business Complex Plaza in uptown Minneapolis, MN.

His painting, titled “Surrender”
Our connection to Mykal is our common desire to understand and love ourselves at the deepest level, and the crazy journey we all go through in exploring that.  Mykal’s amazing gift is summing up the essence of some of these universal human experiences and beautiful human potential in his paintings. 

Now imagine having a 90 minute connection to that core essence of who you are.  Reconnecting to the real you, your true self, your deepest knowing of who you are and how special this life is.  Mykal will take you there this Sunday.  I hope you’ll join us. 

Center Circle Regular Meeting time and place
1414 E Thousand Oaks BLVD suite 211 ~ Thousand Oaks, CA
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.              Doors will open at 5:30
Sunday Nov 20th, 2011
Suggested donation for this event: $12

Origins Experience
"In the depth of your breath, galaxies are the core of your bones, you are infinitely loved."

Using breath, movement, sound and guided imagery, we will be journeying through our own individual and universal inner space as we touch into the seven major energy centers of the body and the birthrights that they represent. Slowing down, dropping in and awakening to new levels of intimacy with Self, while birthing the Radiance that Is.

While some blankets and cushions are available at the studio, you are welcome to bring your own as we will be laying down for most of the journey.

Contact Lori or Andreea with any questions. 

Lori Steed Sortino
moblie 805.709.6000

Andreea Petruse
mobile 805.390.8387

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Snatam Kaur - Earth's Prayer

A friend posted this on facebook this morning. Listening to it brought me such a feeling of peace! Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Gift of The Impeded Stream

"It may be that when we no longer know what to do

we have come to our real work,

and that when we no longer know which way to go

we have come to our real journey.

The mind that is not baffled is not employed.

The impeded stream is the one that sings."

The Real Work
by Wendell Berry

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I have made mistakes.
I regret those that I have hurt.
I honor the lessons.
I ask for gentleness and honesty.
I seek to understand.
I am eager for adventure.
With that comes consequences.

Please meet me in the exploration of it all with an open heart and a willingness to become better for the experience.  Walk with me boldly and courageously in life.  Let us dare to be fully present, without apologies for who we truly are, building community as diverse and beautiful as each day's sunrise and sunset and as expansive and limitless as the starry night sky.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Come to the Circle

Bring your flame to the still quiet grass,
Look, a small flame is licking
Like an orange cat
Against the legs of your dreams.
Bring your flame to the fire,
Look, how the shadows shape-shift
Slip away – come back bright
To curl around your heart.
Come to the circle, woza, woza,
There is one place left,
It is yours.
- Ruth Everson

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Witness in Orbit

Our last circle, we sat and held space for each other, to simply share a moment of being heard and seen in our stardom. The inquiry was : "What are the gifts I bring to my field of practice?"- How do I shine? What is my star quality? We split up in groups of three, each holding a role of speaker, listener, and witness. The witness's job was to write down the list of qualities that the speaker shared about herself. The truth is that in each moment, whatever role you took, you were always in the eternal role of witness, to other and to yourself.

I believe one of the greatest experiences of being alive, is to witness and be witnessed. Something innately powerful happens to the human organsism that witnessing invokes: more truth, more courage, more love, more compassion, more wisdom, more peace, more clarity, nore celebration, better health, and perhaps that sense of commonality to the human experience of existence, that we refer to as "union". In an esoteric sense, it could be the reason we ARE, the reason we LIVE.

Now, we have taken turns orbiting the inner and outer space of another while witnessing their unique beauty, their sense of self, their profound importance, and some of their distinct gifts. Their rich past and present, is creating a new and valuable perception on life. We walked away with a list of precious qualities about our own self that are too often forgotten or stored in our private universes. But to share that shine with another, is to bring more of it into the world, to amplify its potential and to allow it to fuel our personal passions and choices.

What strengths we thought we brought solely to our careers, we actually bring to our families, and all other facets of our lives. We are truly here to live who we are, and that is authentically and effortlessly embodied from the beginning of time.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Reflection, Part II

Your Greatest Work is this...
"Emotions are the best internal guiding system to which direction in life we want to go." said Stacy Sheasby in a post last February on Reflections of Self.  She also lists 10 affirmations (link under photo above).

At the end of each day I usually reflect on the emotional guidance I received during the day.  If nothing else, I just notice, and often I take it a step further and realize how that guidance informs my future choices in so many ways.

What is reflection and why is it important?

Have you ever looked in a mirror and thought "oh my!  How long has that been on my face and why did no one tell me?"

Have you ever had a friend discreetly tell you about some observation that allowed you to make a change and avoid going forward another moment to meet unknown potential embarrassment or some other less than desirable experience?

Step one in life is learning to appreciate the mirror.  Learning to check in with yourself and to check in on yourself with various tools, like the mirror is a tool for doing a visual check on your appearance.

Step two is creating relationships and a community of others who will do this with and for each other, extending the benefit of reflection to include so many other needs being met: community, being cared about, growth, self awareness to name a few.  

There is certainly value and power in being able to carry yourself with confidence, like the kitten who sees the Lion in the mirror.  And now expand that vision.  What if, in addition to the magic mirror of reflection, you could be a part of a community that reflected back to you through their eyes how amazing you are in so many ways...  what does this look like for you?

Center Circle is a place where you are invited to explore that.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Reflection and Stillness: Good Partners

I entered the association pool area today during a fortunate quiet moment.  The pool surface was as still as I've seen it.

Note:  STILL

As I entered the pool and began my swim to the other end, I watched the ripples extend outward away from me as though they could not bear it if I reached the other end of the pool before they brought news of my approach.

Note:  The slightest movement of energy moves outward in waves.

One of my nieces, earlier this summer, in our pool
My swim became a reflection on the physics of my experience and its valuable message about the relationship I have with this physical world.  My every thought is like stepping into a still pool.  As soon as I think the thought, I can not take it back.  It already has launched the waves of energy outward.  What I can do next is swim, sure and steady, rhythmically and confidently, toward my intention and observe what else is going on as I make my way through the water.

After a couple of laps, I could no longer make out the ripples that were going forward as I started a new lap. Now the waves and ripples from both ends of the pool, as well as the return waves from the sides of the pool were cancelling each other out, and all I could perceive at this point seemed like random water sloshing here and there and all about.

"This is so like my day!" I thought.  I start the day with one thought.  One single intention to do one single thing.  Before I know it, I have thoughts coming and going in all directions, competing for clarity, asking for stillness so that they can complete their purpose, and I'm taking action on some, jotting reminders to self on others and hoping those thoughts that escaped me come back or were not important.  Here, in my reflection time in the pool on a warm summer evening, I imagined what all that thought energy was doing inside my mind and my body.

"So that's why there is so much advice out there to meditate and to take time to be still."  I can't say that I get it completely yet, but this message I received today did give me another perspective about the importance of stillness.

At the same time, I appreciated the importance of reflection.  

In Center Circle, we are all women in process.  We are constantly becoming; constantly in motion.  We are gaining wisdom.  We are expanding.  We are committed to taking the time to be still, to reflect, and to notice how amazing it is to be a part of this living experience here on Earth.

Choose your experience.
copyright 2008-2011 Lori Steed

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Leadership and Centering

I received this quote from Joel and Michelle Levey's Thought for the Day email today.

The final paragraph is what inspired me to share it here in our Center Circle blog.  Center Circle is very much a non-linear self-lead leadership program because what we do encourages staying in tune and in touch with what's going on inside you; staying centered.  From there is where you operate in authenticity and integrity.  If you stay centered, i.e. have a regular practice of re-centering, you have a far better chance of becoming a great leader, even if all you're leading is your own life.

"A leader is a person who has an unusual degree of power to project on other people his or her shadow or his or her light. A leader is a person who has an unusual degree of power to create the conditions under which other people must live and move and have their being-conditions that can either be as illuminating as heaven or as shadowy as hell. A leader is a person who must take special responsibility for what's going on inside him or her self, inside his or her consciousness, lest the act of leadership create more harm than good.
    The problem is that people rise to leadership in our society by a tendency towards extroversion, which means a tendency to ignore what is going on inside themselves. Leaders rise to power in our society by operating very competently and effectively in the external world, sometimes at the cost of internal awareness.
   I've looked at some training programs for leaders. I'm discouraged by how often they focus on the development of skills to manipulate the external world rather than the skills necessary to go inward and make the inner journey."
                                 --Parker Palmer

Parker Palmer wrote a wonderful book exposing his personal experience and path to understanding leadership; Let Your Life Speak.  It's a great read.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Feeling the Connection to Needs

Tonight, Meenal Kelkar, one of our regular circle participants, shared one of her practices that she developed with a basis in NVC with some other elements she added from various other things she has been exposed to over the past few years.  She led us through a beautiful meditation where we identified various aspects of experience (how we experience).  She then led us through exploring something in our life that we want to expand or grow or shift.  We looked at it as we want it to be in the future and then we looked at where we are today.  We took our time with each and noticed certain qualities in each. 

The message in this experience was that we tend to downplay, or take for granted the needs being met right now by our current situation.  We create this future vision out of a desire to meet needs that maybe are not being met, or not to the extent we want, or in the way we prefer.  Meenal shared that by appreciating the needs that are being met in our life the way it is right now, we open up an opportunity to build a bridge to that future we envision for ourselves.

After the meditation exercise, each of us shared about our experience and what we noticed, or what our insight was, for example.

Thank you Meenal, for sharing this process with us tonight!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Last night my husband and I pulled a DVD from the shelf.  It was My Cousin Vinny.  There’s a line in the movie, where Ralph Machio’s character is talking about his cousin Vinny and describes a time they were at a family gathering and a magician was doing tricks.  He said Vinny was all over him.  Every time he’d do a trick, Vinny would shout out how the trick was done.  His point was that Vinny could figure stuff out and at this point in the movie he was needing to restore his faith in Vinny’s ability to help him out of his legal situation.

Today I had a conversation with a friend and the topic of magic came up.  My friend said that he really enjoys the magic of life, and that for magic to occur, you can not KNOW.  He said that one is either pursuing the tree of life or the tree of knowledge.  He said "knowing can be very disappointing".  I thought of the rest of the people at Vinny's family gathering and wondered if they weren't a bit disappointed that Vinny had KNOWN how all the tricks were executed.

Sometimes in life, we catch ourselves thinking we have to know the answers.  This is especially true when we take on a role as teacher, mentor, manager, boss, etc.  And in some cases, when you need a specific outcome in a very controlled activity or project, knowing can be a critical element that is necessary.

Where is the difference?  When is it time to KNOW and when is it time to TRUST that all will work out?

Are you looking for control?  Or magic?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sacred Space, Sacred Activity

 copyright 2011, Lori Steed.  Carla's Labyrinth near Seattle, Washington

"To have a sacred place is an absolute necessity for anybody today. You must have a room or a certain hour of the day or so, where you do not know who your friends are, you don't know what you owe anybody or what they owe you. This is a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be...This is the place of creative incubation. At first, you may find nothing happens there. But if you have a sacred place and use it, take advantage of it, something will happen."
                                            --Joseph Campbell

I played soccer for years and discovered that when I was at practice or playing in a game, my focus was in the moment for an extended period of time.  Every other thing going on in my life in the past and in the (potential) future did not exist while I was on the field.  It became very evident how important this regular practice was when I had to go without it at various times in my life.  The activity also provided the physical release of tension and allowed that healthy thing we call exercise in my life, and it was never a chore.  I never had to drag myself out to a practice or a game.  It was always something I looked forward to and planned around in my week.

I have also traveled quite a bit and discovered that when I would drive on a road trip or fly, either one, my thoughts would wander about and I would very frequently come up with ideas, solutions, or inspiration.  I learned to carry paper or a laptop on the plane so that I was ready to write down whatever came to me, and I had to buy a digital audio recorder for driving so that I could capture my thoughts in that way.

In terms of the type of sacred space I think Joseph Campbell is talking about, I know that I discovered how much I wanted and needed that once I had a family.  I realized that it was sort of built in when I grew up.  My siblings were older and out of the house.  I had my own room.  We had a yard that was pleasant to be in.  There was always a place in the house or outside where I could go for that needed sacred space.

Since I had it, I didn't realize I needed to protect, create, or initiate it once I got married and began to live with someone else.  After having children, the lack of a regular sacred space practice created more difficulty for me.  I am grateful I found the soccer and travel times to provide some outlet, and I think a conscious design of sacred space in my life at that time would have been a tremendous benefit for not only me, but my husband and my children.  It's not a selfish thing to set aside time to do this.  It's for the good of all involved!

copyright 2011, Lori Steed
What do you have in your life that gives you sacred space and sanctuary?  Is yours solitary or around others?  Are you still or active?  Is yours indoors or outdoors?  Is it a combination and variety of things and places or one constant  place with a rigid routine?  The only thing that matters is that it works for you.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, if your mind feels cluttered, or if you're feeling anxious, take a look at when, where, and how you're practicing sacred space.  It's essential for well-being and balance.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Radiant Awakening Sound Journey


This is an Opportunity for you to Connect to your Highest Self and Feel your Mind, Body and Spirit as One. You will be immersed in the Healing Vibrations of World Flutes, Didgeridoo, Crystal Bowls, Djembe and more! As we Share this Sacred and Divine connection through Sound, Breath and Movement, we can begin to find our own Resource to Self and All Life!

Gabriel Logan Braun (Healer, Yogi, Musician)

Gabriel awoke to a calling from Spirit to be guided on the Healer’s path 7 years ago. It was through the sound of a flute during a yoga class that initiated this journey. Since that moment, he has gone through an array of experiences that have given him a deeper sense of connection to all life. He leads/facilitates group sound healing, breath and movement classes/ceremonies and offers 1-on-1 healing sessions.

He is assisted by the beautiful presence and voice of Anita Katyanna Z

*Donations for our guests are appreciated

See you all there :)We meet at our regular time between 6 and 8 PM!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dare to Be You

I am who I am. I deeply want to let this authentic me feel alive both inwardly and outwardly and feel safe, and accepted. Let’s take our masks off for at least a moment and be real. I don’t want to go another day without realizing this experience of completeness in the present moment; this oneness with my truth. I refuse to hold it all inside any longer. I reject all the judgment that goes on. I release my self doubt, my perceptions, my fears. I’m letting it all spill out. Let it be. Let it be…

We had an experience (each of us) at the last circle gathering… nothing any of us completely expected. We show up, bring our authentic selves, and then let what happens happen. On any night, some of us are feeling strong and some of us are feeling on the edge and vulnerable. That is reality.

It was Father’s Day and we spent a few moments checking in with ourselves on the archetype of Father. Many of us went to a deep place in those few moments and ultimately, the circle of women supported those who went deep with love, caring inquiry, and permission to take the time needed to process the feelings that came up.

Our guest for the evening was Claytie Mason, who lead us in an exercise called “Here I am. Here I stand.” Although a very simple exercise, we each found it not easy. It required us to enter the room, stand in front of everyone, be completely still, say “Here I am. Here I stand.” and look each person in the eye and then walk out of the room, remaining in our power the whole time. It’s one thing to look at that ‘assignment’ and feel nervousness or outright resistance about really doing it, and quite another (enlightening) experience to do it and feel what it’s like to stand and be who you truly are with witnesses. It was a very powerful and empowering experience. We will have Claytie back for more.

This week my daughter left this link on my facebook wall and I’m sharing it here, because it’s a video that demonstrates the rawness and boldness of this concept of taking a stand for being who we truly are, regardless of what anyone in the room reflects in terms of support or judgment.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lori's Birthday Post

        "In each moment we are awake, we can feel what is reverberating within ourselves and respond in a way that lights up the world in either a weird or a wonderful way. Mindful moment to mindful moment, from the very core of our being we contribute to the balancing and rebuilding of the world in wholeness, or contribute to fear and confusion. In moments of distraction, when mindlessness sets in and we lose our balance, the momentum of habit and countless impinging forces propels us. In moments of self-remembering, when we awaken to mindfulness, we at least have a choice.
         As we learn to recognize and repair the rifts and imbalances in our own life we reestablish wholeness within ourselves. As our internal repair work deepens, we are better able to reach out--inwardly and outwardly-- to repair the world around us. As we focus the flow of our dynamic being more into balance, and dissolve the rigid boundaries that separate us from our wholeness, we restore the world to balance. These aren't just nice ideas but a description of the way things are. Our journey of awakening is one of learning to bring more of our natural, clear lucid, loving, radiant, presence into our world."

-- Joel & Michelle Levey from Luminous Mind and also available for Kindle

The above quote arrived in my in box this morning from my good friends Joel and Michelle. Celebrating my birthday today, I am allowing in the things that resonate and letting everything else go.   My plan is to practice this all day.

My your day be filled with love and joy.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice 2011

Submitted by Circle Participant Billy Appleman, written by her husband Mark Appleman:

In time for the summer solstice (one of the 4 times a year the Universe and our sponsor Earth formally realign) a few forms of encouragement!

En-courage-meant (short form)
Encourage meant for U
In the lexicon of change
And reinvention to New
Perspective issued forth

From each moment
A new I AM presented
Here I Am,
And Here I stand!

So who R U?
In all this rambunctious flow
As Mother Earth
Shakes off old dreams
& Summons new flight

& Can we, be En-courage-meant
& Cleave to the 1 with-in sight?

Long Form

Encourage/ Meant for U
Within worlds unseen
Encouragement waits for YOU;
In the lexicon of change,
Past the borders of wonder,
And reinvention to New…

Perspective issues forth
From the One who lives within,
In I AM magic, new Nows spring forth to awaken…

Awakening codes.
Codes we have carried since the start of time.
Codes that whisper
“My time for release draws near.”

So who R U?
In all this rambunctious flow?

A barnacle on ocean floor?
A gatekeeper to Earth’s enlightened core?
An intoxicated co-creator begging for more?
A Vortex/Vorsex/Context to adore?

As Earth
(Aka Heart with its letters, appropriately scrambled)
Shakes off her old dreams
And shudders down the runway
Of enlightened future…

She offers us en-courage-meant:
“U” she says, “Arise and stand.
Oneness is Life’s true soup de jour;
The Singularity is at hand,
And the One within sight beckons.”

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Support Feels Great

With support it is much easier to move forward into the next logical step.

It feels important to share an experience from within the circle from this week.

Sunday, one of us shared that she wanted something to be different in her relationship with her parents.  We all discussed this in circle and she felt very supported and as a result, early in the week this week, she decided she wanted to have a conversation with her parents about the subject that had stirred in her.  As she made a commitment to herself to take the step to set up the time for the conversation, she shared both the commitment and the nervousness with the circle on-line.  Within moments, she received this response from another circle member: “I would love to get a call from you afterward to hear how it goes. Will you call me?”  In that moment, she felt deeply held and celebrated for taking this courageous action, and the nervousness dropped away.

She had the conversation and experienced completely unexpected, amazing results.  Today, she offered the support of a “Would you be willing to call me because I would love to hear how it went?” phone call to another woman, who was both moved and overjoyed at the opportunity.

This is a very simple example of what this circle is for.  Not exclusively by any means; the circle is for supporting each other in everything in life.  I am grateful for the women in this circle and for all of the women who meet in circles all over the world.  We make a difference.  Each of us can say with confidence "I make the world a better place to be."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Group Event Full Moon Hike

Tuesday, June 14, Check-in: 7:20 and hike begins: 8:20. We have to register in advance. Let Lindsay know if you can make it and she'll RSVP this friday, June 10th. Click on the blog title for a link to more information.

Steppin' Out

"It has always been scary
to step into the circle of firelight,
to show up in the company of strangers,
to ask for entrance or to offer it. Our hearts race---
Will we have the courage to see each other?
Will we have the courage to see the world?
The risks we take in the twenty first century
Are based on risks human beings took
Thousands of years ago.
We are not different from our ancestors,
They are still here, coded inside us.
They are, I believe,
Cheering us on."
--Christina Baldwin in Calling the Circle

In Center Circle, we see the trepidation as women answer to call to join the circle. As each individual reaches her own personal comfort level of "being" in the group, she gently unfolds a bit like a rose bud opening, and shares a bit about the experience of pushing through the fear of judgment and the wondering if she will fit in, or more importantly, be accepted for who she is.  We receive testimony after testimony of the relief in finding acceptance, love, and then a sense of belonging and the building of trust and bonds.  It is a process as ancient as the stars.  Come, join us.  You are being called.  Answer the call.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

For a New Beginning

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.
For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.
It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.
Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.
Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life's desire.
Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.

~ John O'Donohue ~

This came across my in box this week, and it ties nicely with what our theme was for conversation in our last circle gathering. We continue to support one another in breaking the patterns we no longer wish to continue and discuss the process of starting new patterns. There is so much emotion surrounding these changes, and it is so helpful to see that each of us are working on different details, but that the emotional work is so similar that we gain tremendous benefit in sharing the practices, progress, and breakthroughs. We listen with empathy, encourage one another to stand up for ourselves, and we are fed by the common ground that we all grow from.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Resonance in Circles

“In sacred circle, each participant is encouraged to take
guidance individually by listening to her inner voice. Each guidance, soul and life experience, when offered to the center, begins to resonate throughout the circle and creates what we experience as a resonant field. This unified field operates as a source of light that illuminates our individual blind spots, makes us grow and find clarity. It is one idea perceived from multiple perspectives at once allowing it to evolve to its most profound wisdom in that moment. In this way, the power and energy that flows through circle is guided by divine grace. Energy that we might otherwise experience as “local” or limited to our own perception becomes universalized and "global" through a balanced and refined process of circle. We discover, then, that we are as one, learning, living and sharing one spirit in a divinely orchestrated, authentic way.”


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Aligning With Your "Genius", or Your Expanded Self

Sunday nite's circle had me searching my treasured video files for these two gems, that I would like to share with you. First is content by well known channeled guide, Abraham, featured in The Secret, and the second is a delightfully vivid poem by Australian poet, Cameron Semmens:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Own Your Power!

Posted on our facebook group wall by one of our participants and we wanted to share it:

We are the kings and queens, rulers and leaders, gurus and masters of our own domain and sovereign selves. Close the deal, pickup the keys, and take possession of your own home.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Connect to your Genius

Everyone has a genius. Your genius is being highly connected to what you most love to do and what you do best. Brilliance is putting into practice your genius on a regular basis. Forget this word "work". Just "be" connected to your genius.
~ from a dialog between Lori Steed and 
Terry Musch    May 11, 2011

I definitely believe we are each constantly in search of how to be who we truly are. 
I say constantly because we live in a dynamic physical universe where change is constant, so we must continually adjust, not only to our environment and its physical changes, but also to our world view, or our universe view.  Our world view is where we see ourselves, what we think our relationship is with all that we interact with, and our perspective.  It’s also been called our paradigm.
In search of means we want alignment and integrity with what we desire or prefer and what we actually experience.  We do this thing where we check in.  We take in input, or data and information, through our senses and we check that input against our world view.  We have experiences on an ongoing basis, and based on how we experience, which is expressed in our physical bodies as emotional responses, we adjust our behaviors and actions.  The negative and positive emotions are part of how our system operates.  Call it the emotional guidance system.  Another way of saying it is that we are comfortable, uncomfortable or neutral about any given situation, and then of course there are degrees or intensities on that scale.  The searching is the process integration of input in this constant living, breathing, experiencing and being thing we ALL do.  I use in search of because we never arrive.  We are always on the journey.  Even if we feel like we have arrived, change is constant, so we’re instantly thrust forward by default and must continue searching for the next expansion of the expression of who we are.

Coming together with others to dialog about this process is helpful to me, and I enjoy it very much.  This is why I explore life in Center Circle and invite others to as well.  Participate.  Connect to your genius.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chakradance with Gail Johnson

May 1st Meeting:  Guest Facilitator

Chakradance is a totally new form of dance workshop for people who have an interest in healing, dance, chakras, energy and growth. The focus is on personal experience rather than performance. Guided by music resonating to each of the seven major chakras, Chakradance participants are taken on a dynamic dance journey through their own energy centers.

There is no right way to Chakradance as everyone has their own rhythm and movement. By surrendering to the music and dancing from the inside out, we are able to free our natural energy flows and feel more fully alive. On a deeper level Chakradance is about healing and balance. No dance experience or prior knowledge of chakras is necessary. All are welcome!

Fore more information contact:
Gail Johnson, Certified Chakradance facilitator 805-405-6107

Or visit the Chakradance website

Center Circle is a Women's Circle in Thousand Oaks.  We meet twice monthly, participating in inspiring dialog about things that matter to us, and exploring experiences together that allow us to expand with the goal of knowing ourselves and each other more deeply.  The experience being created this Sunday is one of many unique experiences that will be offered in our circle space.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Live and Learn

"Live as if you'll die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever." 
                        - Gandhi

How many of us have seen or heard this quote before?  It’s so easy to read a quote and nod our heads and say to ourselves, “yes, I agree with that!  That’s how I want to be!”

And then we continue our lives in the existing patterns and behaviors.  Fear is one reason we don’t take the first step toward living with courage and taking risks.  Overcoming fear is easier if we are surrounded by loving supporters who encourage us and/or distract us from the fear while we are in the act of breaking a pattern (acting, behaving, being, speaking, etc. differently).

Learning does not become a part of us until we imbed the new knowledge at the cellular level, which means a combination of multi-sensory experiences and repetition (creating a pattern).  That’s just part of the physics of how our bodies operate.  Knowing how the system works gives us the opportunity to change the system!   Knowing this about learning, we can seek out experiences that provide the opportunity for integrating new knowledge.

The circle participants voiced very strongly this past Sunday that when we bring in guest presenters “we want an interactive experience, not a lecture!”  It wasn’t because we had told them “you know you’ll learn better if we have an interactive experience vs. a one way communication stream of information coming at you.”  It was simply because we all know this.

Here’s a well done video making a similar point about learning, in observation of our current education system.   Although this blog post is not intended to head off toward “let’s change this country’s education system!” we still wanted to share this as further exposure to the topic of learning.

So, here it is again:
"Live as if you'll die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever." 

Our dear friends Joel and Michelle Levey offered these words following this quote in their thought for the day email today:
“Experiment with taking this quote to heart this week.
Remember, life is precious, and... we are all dancing on the edge.
Imagine the possibility of learning as literally never ending.
Look for opportunities to enrich your life and the lives of others in these ways.”

Give yourself the gift of the opportunity to risk in a safe environment and learn new ways of being.  Come to our circle and be supported in this process called life.