Our last circle, we sat and held space for each other, to simply share a moment of being heard and seen in our stardom. The inquiry was : "What are the gifts I bring to my field of practice?"- How do I shine? What is my star quality? We split up in groups of three, each holding a role of speaker, listener, and witness. The witness's job was to write down the list of qualities that the speaker shared about herself. The truth is that in each moment, whatever role you took, you were always in the eternal role of witness, to other and to yourself.
I believe one of the greatest experiences of being alive, is to witness and be witnessed. Something innately powerful happens to the human organsism that witnessing invokes: more truth, more courage, more love, more compassion, more wisdom, more peace, more clarity, nore celebration, better health, and perhaps that sense of commonality to the human experience of existence, that we refer to as "union". In an esoteric sense, it could be the reason we ARE, the reason we LIVE.
Now, we have taken turns orbiting the inner and outer space of another while witnessing their unique beauty, their sense of self, their profound importance, and some of their distinct gifts. Their rich past and present, is creating a new and valuable perception on life. We walked away with a list of precious qualities about our own self that are too often forgotten or stored in our private universes. But to share that shine with another, is to bring more of it into the world, to amplify its potential and to allow it to fuel our personal passions and choices.
What strengths we thought we brought solely to our careers, we actually bring to our families, and all other facets of our lives. We are truly here to live who we are, and that is authentically and effortlessly embodied from the beginning of time.
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