There are many faces to our womanhood. Most of the time these faces have to do with the roles we play in relationship to others, i.e. mother, daughter, wife, sister, nurturer, provider, companion, etc.., and less with who we are in essence. We are also more than just "women" of course, but in today's society where a woman feels forced to maintain her status by mimicking society's patriarchal demands, we gain a lot when we reconnect to and foster our strength in owning our feminine power. Our circle as any circle of women holds the potential to unlocking that truth and allows us to rekindle our relationship to that part of ourselves, and share it with the world. As men acting alone fail more and more to provide answers to difficult problems in the world or in society, women need to step up and reclaim their own role in shaping the world, and provide the much needed balance from a feminine perspective, not a masculine one- as most women find themselves doing. What is that feminine perspective or wisdom exactly? How do we harness it , how do we become comfortable in it? How do we regain our trust in it? It certainly begins with each one of us. As psychologists and physicists have noted, and the ancients of our world have always known, every human being has a masculine and feminine side. It is a most a natural phenomenon that these energies co-exist and interact in all living things. But when we are out of balance with one or the other, it is certainly noticeable as there is an experience of lack, disharmony, even illness in one's day to day life. As we begin to know our feminine power, we will also explore how a woman might channel her masculine energy in a way that is natural to her.
To begin our relationship to the powerful feminine, we take a look at an inspiring message that recalls our ancient past:
Women may not have the same opportunities or desires for this type of training and ritual as in those days, but are nevertheless capable of the same qualities and strengths. To discover our potential as women is the first step. There are multiple ways and paths to develop the qualities we seek, and by figuring out which of these we want to connect to, we can begin our journey to reclaiming them in our own way. "The HEART always knows", a wise woman would say, "for it is the ever burning hearth of your passionate soul, and anything it is excited about, is the sign you need to move forward, whether you can see your next step clearly or not!"
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