From Lori and Andreea

Center Circle offers women an opportunity to experience a variety of ways to interact with others and ourselves; to get to know ourselves better and continually transform to the newest version of ourselves. Every new day brings an opportunity to change. This circle is a place for you to feel safe to be and discover who you are.

Bring whatever is going on for you or leave it at the doorstep, either way. Practice whatever you want to learn in a safe environment until it feels like a part of you and emerges into every part of your life. Bring the questions you have about anything. Talk about what's important for you right now and what you've always dreamed of doing. Open to new experiences, and in the meantime perhaps discover a new aspect of your self. Relate to your life in fresh and unpredictable ways. Make new friends, create bonds, find common ground. Practice co-creating community. Have a place to go to continue to become the best YOU, you can be.

Get time away from all those other things in life. Think of it as your sacred space. "Your" time. Learn that whatever feels right IS right. Simply feel yourself loving and being loved in your authenticity.

Lori and Andreea

Friday, December 30, 2011

Who We Are and What We're Looking For...

Center Circle 2011 ~ Eleven Members responded to an open poll on the blog

Tallied YES THIS IS TRUE FOR ME responses to each statement:

I want to be part of a diverse spiritual social group where we’re all conscious, respectful, and open-minded.  10    90%
I want to have a place where I can go to heal, to transform, and to remain connected with my journey (path/purpose).  10    90%
I want to take my power back.  9    81%
I have the power to change my life, now I want to change the world.  Who’s with me?  4    36%
I want to be aware of my thoughts, which create my beliefs, which in turn create my experience.  4    36%
I want to be a better communicator.  6    51%
I want to role model better communication for those I am around.  6    51%
I want to find a group of people who will support my pursuit of my dreams and goals.  6    51%
I am new in this community and want to connect with others like me.  2    18%
I can do only so much by myself.  I’m ready to be part of a collaborative group.  4    36%
I want to harness the power of my feelings and emotions, not be ruled by them.  7    63%
I have no one in my life that understands or is okay with me processing this particular experience.  1    9%
I haven’t talked to myself in a while.  I don’t even remember how.  0    0%
I want to experience my life anew.  8     72%

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life is a Dance

Whenever you're stuck and unsure of what to do or what to say or which direction to go or which priority to start with, remember that life is a dance. Let it flow. Walk away from where you're stuck, put on a song that moves you, and just tune in to your body. The wisdom there will inform you and inspire you. Trust it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Peace Trust Faith Freedom Love

image: copyright 2011 Lori Steed Sortino

"May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilitie s that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received,
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us."
- St. Theresa Prayer

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Women and Their Gift to the World as Healers

Whether you consider yourself a healer or not, if you come to our circle, you probably are. You may be healing yourself. You may be studying the levels or avenues of healing. You may be exploring the concept of healing. You may be in an occupation where you assist others with healing. Whatever your connection is with healing, embrace it and connect with it. Together we can heal what is most present and balance and return to center.

If someone has helped you in your journey in the healing realm, becoming whole, centered, and balanced, or has helped you become a more effective healer, tell them so.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Free Hugs

Taking someone out of their routine and reminding them how valuable they are requires intention, inspiration, focus, timing, courage to be vulnerable, and ACTION!

Do you wish others would do this for you?

Are you willing to do this for others?

Do you know what you'll receive in return?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Resolutions and Targets

It’s that time of year.  As one year draws to a close and we approach a new year, the topic of resolutions starts to creep into the conversations.  No surprise, then, that my friend Cybil Smith hosted a tele-conference call titled 12 Targets for 2012* last night.  As I listened, I realized this was very similar to the activity we have planned for our January 8 Circle meeting. 

In preparation, what we’re focusing on this week and at this Sunday’s circle, are identifying very strongly with the things that we are aligned with and the experiences we like to have and want to continue.  In that feeling of appreciation, we more easily let go of the choices we could make that are either
a)      not as super fabulous, or
b)      do not serve us

These next couple of days, continue with your daily recalling of what you love about Center Circle and the women who show up, and start to imagine the new women who are going to show up this next year.  What qualities do they have?  How do they show up?  What do they add to the circle?  How do they enrich your experience at Center Circle?

If you can imagine it, you can create it.

the replay of Cybil’s call is available at (661) 673-8609
Enter Access Code - 243191#, then press 1# to hear this recording.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shine From Within

At Center Circle, we explore who we are and how we show up.  Our common ground is our intense commitment to looking at ourselves and connecting to the joy in releasing the beauty of who we are.  The process of the discovery is explored in this safe circle.  We forgive ourselves for the times we are so hard on ourselves.  We let go of the hold on old patterns of thought that have been repeated for generations in order to embrace new ideas that allow for better relationships.  We look at our communication, which includes our self talk, in search of authentic expression.  We wish to represent truth.  We move to stay up with each new thought in each new day.  We share the journey together.  We love.  We evolve.  We shine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today’s Assignment in Co-Creating

This Sunday’s meeting will truly be a co-created gift.

Today and each day between now and Sunday evening, set up and follow the next few steps and practice or repeat them each day, as often as you like.

1.  Choose a place or places in a comfortable space you will revisit frequently.
               Ideas:  bathroom, mirror, kitchen, refrigerator, next to computer monitor, car dashboard, your personal alter, your purse, etc.
2.  Get something to write on that suits that place(s) you’ve chosen.
               Ideas:  sticky notes, magnets, 3x5 cards, notebook, paper and tape, glitter pens, sharpie markers, lipstick (ha ha)
3.  With those items (your tools) in place, each time you visit that space, consider Center Circle and the women you’ve come to know there.  Write down the name of one of the women or guests (even yourself) and something you witnessed/experienced that touched you.  Write down the feeling you had and the resulting gift you received.  Summary:  Name, experience, feeling, gift.
               Example:  Andreea, shared a saying on a paper, inspired, deeper personal insight
4.  Repeat as often as possible with the underlying spirit of appreciation and gratitude and the desire to create more experiences like these.
Image Source:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday Gift Exchange

To Our Dear Circle Women;

This week, leading up to our final meeting for 2011, we will have a post each day for you to read, watch and resonate with.  The final post on Sunday morning will inspire you with what to bring Sunday evening to the Circle.  RSVP to Lori or Andreea:

Lori (at) loristeed (dot) com

realignandshine (at) gmail (dot) com