From Lori and Andreea

Center Circle offers women an opportunity to experience a variety of ways to interact with others and ourselves; to get to know ourselves better and continually transform to the newest version of ourselves. Every new day brings an opportunity to change. This circle is a place for you to feel safe to be and discover who you are.

Bring whatever is going on for you or leave it at the doorstep, either way. Practice whatever you want to learn in a safe environment until it feels like a part of you and emerges into every part of your life. Bring the questions you have about anything. Talk about what's important for you right now and what you've always dreamed of doing. Open to new experiences, and in the meantime perhaps discover a new aspect of your self. Relate to your life in fresh and unpredictable ways. Make new friends, create bonds, find common ground. Practice co-creating community. Have a place to go to continue to become the best YOU, you can be.

Get time away from all those other things in life. Think of it as your sacred space. "Your" time. Learn that whatever feels right IS right. Simply feel yourself loving and being loved in your authenticity.

Lori and Andreea

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Tribute

This is my friend's son's video.  I was touched beyond tears this morning, watching it.

Here is what he wrote on facebook to his friend:

To the boy who hugged me on the first day of first grade, who helped me realize that it was time to take off the rollerblades and pick up a skateboard, and who would sit in front of the heater and draw monsters all day with me. To the friend who taught me to focus on the positive things in life and people, who taught me to appreciate the more important things in life, and who taught me more than he'll ever know. To the man who spent the last year battling cancer while keeping the most positive attitude, who still cherished life more than anybody I'll ever know, and who appreciated everybody for who they are. You helped shape who I am today David King, and I am forever grateful that you were such a big part of my life. You are my best friend, and I love you more than a jack rabbit drinkin' moonshine. Rest in Peace Diggity Dave.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Love Tips

Found:  Article with truth about LOVE! on

"Can we increase our ability to love and to be loved? Brené Brown, PhD, LMSW, author of The Gifts of Imperfection and professor at the University of Houston..."

Read more:

The highlights:

  • only about 15 to 20 percent of folks she interviewed and studied are living with their whole hearts
  • What quality did these people have that made them so capable of both receiving and giving love?
  • these were people who deeply believed that they were worthy of love and belonging

Five Tips for increasing the LOVE in your life:

Let Go of Exhaustion (take time to rest)
Create Joy
Practice Calm (breathe when you feel vulnerable)
Play (time spent without purpose)
Be Authentic without regard to what others will think of you